Lisa Morgan grew up in a small town in rural Texas during the 1970s, competing in local horse shows, rodeos and play days. Throughout her youth, she dreamed of owning and racing her own Thoroughbred and was given that golden opportunity through her mentor and friend, Travis Reaves, at an early age. As a young woman, Lisa fell in love with two brothers, whose parents did not approve of her, especially when it came to her illicit affairs with their sons. These experiences, among many others, were the leading forces that hatched the plot of “His Brother’s Lover.” Throughout this novel, it is highly probable that a variety of the tales told are borne from Lisa’s own experiences, mixed with a lot of Texas bull shit and the fantasies of a woman’s heart and soul. Take your time and get to know this author through the exciting and enticing exploits of Angela Cartwright in her pursuit of love and happiness, which are commodities that can never be bought.